Moncton Cafe: Yoshokuuuu

Steveston Village is always one of my favourite places to visit during summer, especially when the weather is awesome!

……like today.

The reason that I am so in love with this place is because there is always so much to explore and discover. It also receives visitors from all around the world, who are mostly fun to be with and nice to look at. Travellers are so prompt for excitement, which makes this town so vibrant! This time, we found a new discovery called Moncton Cafe, another place for Yoshoku dishes.

What’s Yoshoku? Many of you would probably ask.

Yoshuku is a type of Japanese cuisine, referring to a style of Western-influenced cooking in Japan. It is originated from the Meiji Restoration era when the government decided to absorb Western ideas as a means to progress Japan’s future. I guess people took the advice literally, starting from their stomach.

Once Upon A Time

This drink is made with Blue Hawaiian Syrup, Grenadine Syrup and Soda. It has a beautiful color with dreamy bubbles that would steal any lady’s heart easily. It’s sweet in taste, but the sweetness disappears after a while because it is mostly made from plain club soda.

I guess this town is so haunted with the American show, “Once Upon A Time”, since you see something related to it everywhere, for instance, the name of this drink, the “Storybrooke Bakery” on the opposite side of the road, and the “Storybrooke Clinic” next door.

Kiss on the Garry Point

Using Grenadine Syrup, this drink becomes sweet and sour after mixing with Pineapple Juice and ends up with this beautiful sunset color. Nonetheless it makes you question if a romantic kiss at Garry Point during sunset would be a mixture of sweet and sour? Actually, I think it will be salty with the sea breeze that comes right to your face.

Mussels Hot Pot

It’s the early bird special, which costs us about $10 with a complementary drink (non-alcoholic only). We thought it was a killer deal and it was! These are classic French steamed mussels with garlic, white wine, and butter, except for the fact that you can hardly taste the white wine. Nonetheless each mussel was super soft and delicious, and I became so obsessed with the tasty garlic and buttery soup leftovers that I wouldn’t let the waitress take it away. Did I mention that the heart-shaped mussel shells just melted my heart?

Fish Fry

I’m surprised that they even offer Fish Fry and Fries on side, which is a typical Western dish! It will be more "Yoshoku" if it comes with rice! You do notice the difference in the way they fry the fish though, but the meat inside was not as moist as I expected even though the outside was ‘crispy-ly’ perfect. This is my first Yoshoku Fish Fry experience, so I’m not sure if it’s supposed to taste that way.

Mentaiko Pasta

Regular Japanese restaurants don't offer as much Mentaiko as this one and trust me- it does change how it tastes in your mouth- the more the merrier! It’s a little boring to have just Mentaiko Pasta alone, especially when it is a perfect match for the mussels’ hot pot above!

It’s a little pricey but it doesn't come as surprise when I realize Moncton Cafe is a sister restaurant to the famous Ichiro Sushi Restaurant just a few blocks away! The food is good in general and the mussels hot pot is definitely something to try during early bird hours (5pm-6pm). Plus they have interesting desserts that are worth a try, so remember to leave some space in your stomach for Yoshoku desserts!

120-3651 Moncton Street 
(604) 370-1184



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第一次接触"吃喝玩乐剩余价值论"这术语是在一本叫 LeMook 的杂志里,特别引起我的共鸣。那时候刚好拿了一门马克思主义的哲学课,剩余价值论(Surplus Value)正是马克思主义政治经济学的核心概念。 以马克思的概念而论,剩余价值指的是雇佣工人在生产过程中所创造出来的价值,但被资本家无偿占有,超过劳动力价值的那一部分价值。 简而言之,剩余价值就是除去生存所必需的价值之后,还剩下来的、或多出来,不知道拿来干嘛的价值。 如今资本时代依旧盛行,但每个人都是资本家,多多少少都拥有些剩余价值,那我们拿着这些剩余价值干嘛呢? ……吃喝玩乐去了! 谨此纪念“吃喝玩乐剩余价值论”名称的由来。